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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Other helmet brands that fit like Easton?

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I like Easton helmets, infact they are just about the only helmet that fit my head right (without leaving me looking like the Great Gazoo). My old helmet is trashed and I've been trying to pull the trigger on a new E700 but the damn things have been sold out everywhere for months. Anyone know what's up with Easton and not putting anymore of these out there? I would assume that means they have a new line coming out, but it's been a while now... thing we would have seen it by now.

So onto my question, any recommendations for other helmet brands that fit similar to Easton?

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I'm in E700's but I have previously worn 11k's and Re-Akt's quite happily and would be wearing one or the other now except I have a couple of E700's to keep me going for a while. However it all comes down to what sits comfortably on your lid and I couldn't care less how it looks as long as it does its job and is comfortable.

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