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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick flex after cutting and different kick points

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If you look at a Nexus 1N or any other Bauer stick for that matter you will notice that if you cut an 87 flex Bauer exactly 2 inches it is rated at 96 flex. I recently cut my Ribcor Reckoner 2 inches and the index on the stick says 88 flex. That's a pretty large difference between companies, Bauer adds 9 flex and CCM has theirs at 3 once cut. Is a high kick stick going to be more sensitive to cutting than a mid kick and a mid kick to a low kick? If you take this all back to school of the fulcrum, lever and load it would suggest that. Any thoughts? I guess I'm also trying to get a deeper understanding of the guts of a stick and what is used to make kick points where they are too

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This has been discussed a few hundred times, there are a number of existing topics that you can find via the search tool that can give you a better understanding.

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