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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mako 2 Tendon Guard

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Any ideas where I can pickup replacement Tendon Guards for a Mako 2? My LHS can't get them.... Easton aren't replying to my emails (sent 2 and no response).. Nothing on eBay.. I managed to snap one at the beginning of a game.


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Any ideas where I can pickup replacement Tendon Guards for a Mako 2? My LHS can't get them.... Easton aren't replying to my emails (sent 2 and no response).. Nothing on eBay.. I managed to snap one at the beginning of a game.


Call Easton Hockey Support at 844-646-2539. I called a few weeks ago and got a person almost immediately.


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Called them.. they weren't interested in helping or finding a solution and simply said that they don't sell the Tendon Guards separately (even though they're replaceable as they bolt on). Fortunately, my LHS (http://TheHockeyShop.com) here in Vancouver are trying to help-out.. a completely different level of customer service!

If my damn Mako's didn't fit so well, I'd swear off Easton for life.. I've had nothing but durability problems with sticks and skates, and when I've gone to them for help - received nothing but a brush-off..

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