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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So I found my stick I used in college...

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I double wrapped it with white tape. Its al I have currently. Coaching mini mites for an hour and a half today, then pickup later tonight for another hour and a half. Should have a pretty good handle for the stick after that.

Thanks for the tips, I'll try both,

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I ended up buying a STX Surgeon RX 85 flex, X88 mid curve open toe.

I played with it a little bit yesterday on a pond.(no skates) It definitely has a different feel to it that using a wood stick. My first impression was "this feels fake" I hope the transition isn't that hard for me. I ended up cutting it down 2"

The puck seemed to pop off the blade while stick handling. Maybe double wrap it? I use white tape...

That's the hardest part of the transition from wood to composite. Especially when the wood blade has softened a bit over time and then you switch to the composite. You really have to soften your hands up and even put the face down to trap hard passes a bit at first. The extra kick at the bottom also makes it easier to lose a puck when making a quick move with your hands. It takes a little practice to get used to the differences, but the payoff in shooting and consistency will be worth it.

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i dont think double taping it will help........i never really had to adjust myself to one piece sticks......i remember back in 2001, when i first tried my buddy's Synergy (the first one piece ever made) , i thought god damn, this thing is incredible...the first 3 dribbles of puck that i took with it blew my mind... i thought it was lightyears ahead of all woodies or shaft + composite blades..

what i do though, is i cut all my sticks one inch shorter, on purpose, and then add a 1 inch wood end plug.. this creates an amazing feeling...and a feeling closer to wood.. it helps dampening your puck feel...and kinda reduces vibrations...a lot of pros do it..you should try it.

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