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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade holders

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Hi ..

We all know what forward leaning means in the way of agressive skating from that point of weiw , in your opinion..

Witch blade holder combination and skate will give you the most forward leaning and support agressive skating?

it's not an easy question and maybe we can get some professional answers.


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I cannot comment on a particular holder, but a skate known to have an aggressive forward angle is the Graf 705.

Other than that you can install heel-lifts on any skate/holder combination. Heel lifts are thin plates of some sort of appropriate plastic (I've cut mine out of a box that's made to put food in a freezer, RangerJR10 has used some stuff I can't remeber) that you install between the rear tower and the outsole. The thickness of the plate determines how high your heel will come up. The higher the heel, the more aggressive the forward angle of the whole skate.

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Most aggressive fwd pitch stock is Graf Cobra.

Mission's PITCH allows you to tinker with the pitch settings w/o using lifts, shims or custom radius.

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