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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just me or is the E28 curve amazing?

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On 3/1/2016 at 5:22 PM, AmeriCanadian said:

A quick question for those who use this curve, is Bauer's p28 an actual lie 5 as listed? (I use the pm9 and just feel like trying this curve but before I do I have to know because im so used to it) also does anyone know the actual lie of Erik karlssons pro stock stick? I was thinking about picking one of those up and up on warriors blog they said "he uses a curve offered at retail, the w28" just wondering if that would indicate the same lie as well. The stick is listed on prostockhockey as a 5.5 lie on their scale that they've developed for their sticks and I just want to be sure before pulling the trigger- rambling over, thanks guys!


According to this: https://issuu.com/bauer-hockey/docs/bauer_blade_pattern_guide_en, both patterns are lie 5. It will definitely take some time to adjust how you shoot with it, but after getting a stick with this curve a few days ago, it definitely has a lot of advantages.


As far as Karlsson's stick, I can't comment other than most companies use a different lie scale. Likewise, while the pattern may be a retail one that he uses, that's not to say the lie is. Pending how he skates/plays, he may have asked for a half a lie higher. It's hard to say. I wish I knew for sure.

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