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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Toews Curve in Warrior

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So 2 years ago I fell in love with the Toews Curve in Bauer. This was in the APX2... Now I know someone who can get me a really good deal on QR1 sticks... He showed me a few curves that are closest to the Toews.. He showed me Henrique, Yakupov, and Chara... He said Warrior has no identical comparison to the Toews even though Warrior themselves claim the Chara is the closest... So I figured before I drop 200+ on a stick Id ask you guys.. What curve in Warrior will have the closest performance and feel to the Toews... What will give me the quickest release (that's a huge part of my style of game)... Is it the Chara?

Also any input on the stock itself (qr1).. Anything you can add on performance, durability, etc is greatly appreciated

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Probably the W14 pattern which is Chara would be the closest. My buddy just got a QR1, he has an APX 2 as well and so far he told me that he really likes the QR1. He notices the stick has a really nice quick release, he likes how much pop the stick has and he likes the way his snapshot is firing. All I can say for now, hope that helps.

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