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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick similar to Warrior LT4?

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I'm looking for a low kick stick with the W28 (E28 clone) pattern as similar to the feel of my LT4 as possible. I feel like the LT4 is a great stick but the blade is not stiff enough. On hard shots and passes I can actually feel the blade opening up a bit.  I actually have a Qr1 but I honestly don't use it because I didn't like the blade pattern it came in. The blade is a little pingy, too, but that's probably more to my lack of soft hands than anything wrong with the stick. 

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You should look at a QR4 or QR3.  The QR3 blade will be stiffer due to more carbon content.  It's also lighter and could be a good bridge between your QR1 and the DT4LT you like.

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Thanks for that input.


Has anybody tried the new Stealth line up and any of the low kick warriors? I've been on a warrior kick for the past few years, but I used to be an Easton guy up until when they thought it was a good idea to put a 30gram weight in the blade.

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Ended up buying an Easton V9E Elite for $110. They happened to have the E28 in 75 flex in stock @ total hockey. Sorry Warrior!! If this twig snaps on me sooner than expected I'll be back.

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