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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Jetspeed

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First, some back story. This is another chapter in my ongoing story of getting back into hockey after not playing on a team for over 15 years... Lol.


When I went to buy skates, my dumbass guessed at sizing and fit. I bought a pair of size 10 CCM Jetspeed 280R's online (i wear a size 11.5 shoe). They fit great out of the box for the first month and a half or so. I've always been a CCM guy and I loved these skates. They were the most high end inline skates I'd ever owned.


Once broken in and my skating was getting stronger and closer to where it should be, I started noticing my heel was lifting and my foot was sliding in the boot just enough to make certain turns and maneuvers very awkward. I could tell the foot separating from the bed was hindering the power of my stride. 


Fast forward another month and a half after being tired of feeling like my sizing mishap was hindering my ability (what little of it there is...), I find myself in a Total Hockey getting properly fitted for a skate. Turns out the Jetspeed or Bauer Vapor are the correct fit for my foot. But I'm a size 9. Haha. 2.5 sizes down from my shoes. 


So unfortunately I've gotta buy another new pair of skates. I'm going for the top end Jetspeed inline skate, in my correct size (wore the ice version around the store and it felt perfect). But I haven't found much in the way of reviews online. Just curious who else has been using it and what your thoughts have been?


Sorry for writing a novel. Lol.

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Keep in mind that I've never believed in the shoe to skate equation for the simple fact that people buy shoes to be comfortable in; and that typically results in a bigger shoe.


I wear a 13 shoe and a 10.5 skate.  But I have a little bit more than a thumbnail of room in my sneakers, room I wouldn't have in a skate.





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I too am 2.5 sizes down from my shoe size. If I go down half a size on my shoe, I will jam my toes in the shoe, so I wondering why I fit 2.5 sizes down in my skate.

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For me I attribute it to the shoes I wear. I was a skateboarder for a long time, so I wear my shoes pretty loose with a lot of padding.

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