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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone using the Avision or Avision elite?  I just tried the Tron hybrid cage/visor.  Terrible!  Too big for my helmet (a medium sized IMS 7.0).  It made me feel like I was wearing a NASA space helmet and the major issue was the length of the cage portion/location of the chin cup.  It was crushing my adams apple when I looked down.  Also had a problem with visibility where the cage/visor meet.  too much bulk there with that created more visibility issues than a cage.  It was also very heavy and when I shook my head my whole helmet moved around.  


A couple guys on my team have the Avision with Re-Act helmets and really like them.  I've seen a couple pics on here with regular Avision with an IMS 7.0 that looked pretty cool.  I know they stopped making it and have moved on to the elite version, but that lower cage portion looks bulky as hell.    


Pics if you have them and thoughts welcome.



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I had the original Avision with my Re-Akt. It was wonderful. There was really nothing about it I didn't like, besides how ugly it is ;) 


I was extremely excited when the new version (Avision Elite) came out. I had it pre-ordered and everything. When I got it... somehow it's even uglier, but the vision was even better than the original. However... I couldn't see out of it. It wasn't even FOG so much as just condensation. At least fog tends to go away once I'm on the ice for 1-2 seconds. With this, there was actual water beading on the inside of the lens and water running down the lens. It was a mess. I sold it almost immediately. I still have the original Avision, but I have to admit I've been wearing just a visor for the past while. 


Really can't say enough good things about the original, but the Elite definitely did not work out for me. 

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I recently bought the Avision Elite mask. It is bulky, but the vision is awesome! I haven't had any problems with fogging in the 3 times I've worn it. The only thing I did was clean it with glass cleaner (non-ammonia) before I played each time. I recently started playing after a 13 year break so even with my heavy breathing it didn't fog. I know some people still have issues with the fogging, but you can also adjust the "height" of the cage via the forehead clips to allow your mouth to line up more with the cage vents if necessary. I would recommend the product. I purchased it directly through the company, Boulder Hockey Shield Company, and got a better deal than other online retailers.

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I have had mine for a year or so.  For the most part it works well.  During power skating with virtually non stop skating, condensation did develop but fogging not an issue.  Avison sent out an e-mail a few months ago with some tips which really helped me out.  I adjusted the height of the cage to get my nose lower down close to the vents as suggested in the e-mail.  This really cut down on condensation forming during hard skates.  Sweat falling onto the inside of the visor portion also is an issue.  Regular cleaning with a glass cleaner is important (as suggested in the e-mail) as well in preventing condensation.  I generally do this before each skate now.  I previously would wash the visor part with soap and water from time to time, which really did not do much except remove the sweat stains.  The glass cleaner works much better.  It is definitely an improvement over the cage I wore for years.

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