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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 190 or MX3 shell on other brands girdles

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I have a large RBK 9K girdle and a large Easton HSG girdle.  Looking for a simple black shell I could use on both of these.  I saw the PP10 but would either of these work fine to get big extra light padding?   Would I need a large in them?

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I can't speak specifically for your girdle but I did just pick up an MX3 shell to go over my One.8 girdle and my initial impressions are that the MX3 shell is really nice, it's built really well and that extra little bit of padding is definitely nice to have (what a world of difference to the old school Tackla shells I've always worn that were just thin material).  My one complaint about the MX3 shell is the fit... I wear a medium girdle and the shell that came with the One.8 was very narrow so I decided to go up a size with the MX3 shell and get a large, well, the large isn't that much larger and it's still a little narrower and shorter than I would prefer.  So with that in mind I would maybe suggest trying an XL shell (I think with that extra little bit of padding it also makes them ever so slightly tighter so the size up wouldn't be a bad idea).

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