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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Curve/ Stick options

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Started out with a Warrior Dolomite in a Kovalev pattern years ago, and have being using sticks with the same basic curve pattern ever since. Problem is, very few stores in my area carry this curve, so when I go looking for a new twig, I am basically looking for a needle in a haystack. 


Most major manufactures make a curve similar to this, but obviously it is not very popular in my area. The smaller stick companies just don't have the same following as the BIG names, so they are seen in even less options.


I have resorted to online shopping and have found sticks, but the CDN dollar is basically worthless, and throw shipping and duty on top of it and this is a very expensive option.


Am I screwed, and if so, how do you switch curves??? I have tried a couple of teammates' sticks and my shots/ passes were terrible and I didn't like the curves at all, even after skating multiple games with these new sticks.


Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated....

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look at using a 2 piece stik.  That way you can find blades on sale or Ebay to try and use.  The 2 piece is dying, as many makers have stopped producing them, but a few are still offering this option.


If I was not vested in with tapered blades I would recommend getting a standard hosel shaft as you can also find more ABS blades to also use.  I tried to stick to this, but eventually you seem to find some curves on tapered blades and then BOOM, you have more of the other.

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