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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Calculating skate pitch?

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Is there a way to calculate your skate pitch by measuring the amount of steel at certain parts of the runner? When you have a +1, +2, slight forward, medium forward etc. How to you know what your skate is currently at?

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I asked a guy at Total Hockey once if he could use the profiling equipment to sort of "measure" the existing pitch on a set of new stock CXN runners. I don't think it's a capability of the equipment but he is a guy who thinks outside of the box and said that he thought he could. He put my skates with new stock cxn runners on the profiling equipment and from observation was able to determine that the CXN stock runner is somewhere between +1 and +2. So we split the difference and estimated it to be around +1.5 (This is the pitch of the runner only and does not include the pitch of the CXN holder). When profiling a skate, +1, +2, etc., is not whatever the guy decides it is. The skate holder of the profiling equipment has a knob that has detents in it  (similar to the knobs on the regular tri-lie holder) that cause a controlled/repeatable rotation of the skate about the runner's center.

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Guys like JR, Chadd, Oldtrainerguy, and others that are experts in sharpening will hopefully respond.  The people that profile skates for a living know this stuff, so I hope they can explain it in a way we can all understand.  One thing I do know is that there is a lot of conflicting info out there.  Where I live, there are two LHS's that will tell you two completely different stories about pitch.  


From reading through a ton of posts in various threads over the last year plus, about the only thing that I have read that was somewhat consistent was that a +1 or a -1 was equal to about 1/32 of an inch. Similar to AftonDad above, Mako's were +2 in the holder and +1 from the steel for a total of +3, and that is equal to +3/32.  From that, if you had a neutral set-up, and then added three 1/32" shims, you would have the pitch of a Mako at a +3..   


Someone previously posted info on angles and degrees of various holders and steel.  I don't remember who, or when, but I do remember seeing it.  (AftonDad, was it you?)


I asked a similar question in a previous thread with no answer.  I wanted to get a slight forward pitch for my daughter on a Nexus skate with Tuuk holders.  I was told to get an 8/11 combo radius with the center 1/2" towards the heel on 230mm steel, but they could not tell me what pitch that gives me.  Is that +1,?  +2?   Does anyone know how moving the center back to the heel affects pitch??


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