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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New CCM tacks sticks

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Any Idea when the catalog will be released for this?


Very interested in the new 2nd tier offering they are bringing with the Tacks 6092 stick (assuming it has all the tech as the super tacks except for the pricier CF.


According to the pre-order page on total hockey, it is going for $150 which would make it fit a fantastic price point!


Especially considering I am between getting a new TRUE 4.5, one of the outgoing HD Pro ($150ish in stores from what I saw) and the new Tacks 6092.

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32 minutes ago, tpedersen3118 said:

IW released their product review of it last month... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozjzs6CNT3o


Check out their website if you haven't already and compare the two. I think the 4.5 is still lighter than the 6092 and around $10 less.


Perfect! thanks! this definitely helps out with some of the questions I had regarding it.


Only other thing i'm curious to know is if the 95 flex stick has the extra 2" on it like they seem to have done for 1st and 2nd tier sticks in the past.

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Oh weird, this is real. I thought the Super Tacks thing was just a weird dream I had. They really are just using different adjectives to describe their new stick models. Neat. Weird, but neat. What are we gonna have 4 years from now? Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious  Tacks?

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21 minutes ago, sparky1 said:


Perfect! thanks! this definitely helps out with some of the questions I had regarding it.


Only other thing i'm curious to know is if the 95 flex stick has the extra 2" on it like they seem to have done for 1st and 2nd tier sticks in the past.



The 75 & 85 flex are 59"


The 95 flex is 62"


looks like curves available are P28, P40, and P29 (at IW anyway)

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7 minutes ago, tpedersen3118 said:



The 75 & 85 flex are 59"


The 95 flex is 62"


looks like curves available are P28, P40, and P29 (at IW anyway)

Gosh I feel stupid, I should've just looked on IW's website, I'm so used to only browsing total hockey, haha

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Just now, sparky1 said:

Gosh I feel stupid, I should've just looked on IW's website, I'm so used to only browsing total hockey, haha


No worries. When I was trying to decide on my latest stick purchase I looked at all of the websites. I found IW provided at little more content than some of the others.

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5 hours ago, tpedersen3118 said:



The 75 & 85 flex are 59"


The 95 flex is 62"


looks like curves available are P28, P40, and P29 (at IW anyway)

For Jr and Int, at least, the available curves depend on the flex. P28, P29, and  P40 are available for the lower flex, and all curves (P14, P15, P28, P29, P38, P40, P45, P46) for the higher flexes.

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