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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission intake helmet - looking for a similar fit

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Hi All,


My beloved Mission Intake helmet has developed some cracks (after some pucks to the head while playing as a low-level goalie) and I have to retire it.


Could anyone here recommend a modern helmet or brand with a similar fit?  I haven't looked at hockey equipment much in the last few years so I'm not familiar with what's out there.  If it helps, the (ancient) Jofa 690 was also a great fit for me.


Many thanks in advance

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Sounds like you might have a wider noggin like myself, but shorter front to back such that larger sizes would have too much gap at the forehead.  Our heads might be shaped like Teemu Selanne's, who rocked the Jofa.


For me, Bauer IMS 7.0 (on clearance now) fit well, I also tried a Warrior Krown PX3 which seemed ok. 

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For use as a skater or goalie? If for goalie no current retail helmet is proper. The front of the helmet needs to be rounded like the old Cooper and Jofa.

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