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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Let's talk junior skates and runners

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I'm new here and would like some feedback on runners pertaining to my son's choice of skates.


A little background. My son is nine years old and skates eleven months out of the year. Minnesota association hockey in winter and two AAA teams in the spring and summer. And he has wide feet.


So.... He's coming out of a pair of Bauer Nexus 800's which he loves. Size 2D. Step V-Steel, 11', 4mm heel lift.


We have a budget so I'm thinking I'll get a pair of Nexus 6000's. But then I have to make a decision about runners. We really love the Step Steel and the sharpening intervals and we're really bummed we can't buy them for the Edge holders. Does anyone feel that I should get LS2 holders and Step Steel for him instead of buying a couple sets of LS4 Edge runners?



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It really depends on how much you love the Step steel.  It will cost you new steel, holders and labor.  Where I'm located, that will set you back at least $150. 


If you are looking mainly for less frequent visits to the shop to have your skates sharpened, just run a second set of steel.  You can get both sets sharpened at the same time and swap to the fresh backup set when needed. 

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The LS4's are pretty good and imho on at least par with step V steel. Personally I'd start with the LS4, make sure it is profiled to the step and then if he doesn't like it you can always go the switch holder to LS2 route.

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Okay, so here is what we ended up with.


Last years Bauer Nexus 6000 size 3D with two pairs of LS4 runners. Had them done with a 10' radius, 1 degree forward pitch (terminology?), 1/2" hollow. Howie's laces and Superfeet insoles too. My son absolutely loves them. Big thanks to Romeo at the Own The Moment, Bauer store.

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