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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Speed Plate question?

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So I picked up the Bauer 1s for a great price (as some of you may know from my previous post.) 


I was barely passing the pencil test so I kept the stock inserts in which aren't terrible by any means. 


I had to drive 2 hours to get them baked, I wasn't chancing my oven at home for $1,000 skates. 


After skating a few times my foot dropped where I now do in fact pass the pencil test. Now I want to use the speed plates lol. 


My question is, can I just pop the speed plates in my convection oven then pop em in my skates and lace em to just mold the speed plates? I don't see myself driving 2 hours just to mold inserts. 


Thanks guys!

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Any temperatures and lengths of time you guys might reccomend would be appreciated too, of course I don't want to ruin them but it wouldn't be the end of the world since its just the inserts. 

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