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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need Help With Parts for Blademaster BR821F

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Hi all, been awhile. Searched the forums but didn't see my specific questions and was hoping to get some help. 

A couple summers ago I picked up a part time gig at the local pro shop with the hopes of doing my own sharpenings. I got pretty good (always room for improvement in sharpening) and kept an eye out for a sharpener. Well today on craigslist I found a free Blademaster BR821F single head machine in good condition. Given the price I didn't have enough time to do proper research but figured worth the plunge. Seems in good to great condition just missing a few parts.

I believe it is missing the whole quill and diamond, the wrench to remove or tighten down the wheel, and a holder (I've seen a few older 2013-2014 threads with recommendations unless anything newer is out). 

I couldn't find the exact model on Blademaster's website (I assume because it's old). I sent them an email. Could anyone recommend the parts above? I know prices can vary a lot so any input here would be greatly appreciated.

Please let me know if I need to supply any more information. 

Thanks :) 



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All of those things you're looking to get are universal in terms of what Blademaster sells.  You could get a Blackstone Tri-Lie holder and it'll work on that machine.

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26 minutes ago, JR Boucicaut said:

All of those things you're looking to get are universal in terms of what Blademaster sells.  You could get a Blackstone Tri-Lie holder and it'll work on that machine.

Gotcha. Thanks. They had some specific part numbers on their website that didn't match mine so I got confused. I appreciate the help. 

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