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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wissota Universal Wheel Dresser

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Hi guys, Does anyone using a wissota universal wheel dresser ? Because i'm thinking about buying a wissota 911 portable skate sharpener and i want know if that accessory is worth of buying. And witch spinners  are compatibility with that dresser. Did Blackstone spinners match with wissota universal dresser ? or there are different spinners another company that are better ?

Please write yours opinion.

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Reviving this thread from the dead, anybody on here use this & can comment on how it works? It see its adjustable so it should work on a blademaster but want to hear some first hand experiences

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3 hours ago, joepaw said:

I have one. Works great. Had for a few years now. 

What machine do you use it on & what wheels do you use Blackstone or Blademaster?

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Reviving an old thread. I have one of these and am wondering if it needs a wave washer. The spinner is flying and I thought its supposed to drag. I don’t want to destroy a spinner. 



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