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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First Official Game

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Last night I finally got the chance to play in my first official game with my team. I played Right Wing and while I clearly suck ;) I think I did not too horrible when everything is considered.

We got pasted 6-1 but I got an assist on our only goal and the other team didn't score when I was on the ice.

That was probably due to the fact that the other team might have been cutting me a wide berth because I'm not a great skater and I don't think anyone wanted me running into them (6'3", 290lbs). :D

I blew my mind in the third period when the other team was on the PP when they shot the puck up high on our net and I tipped it away from our net to the corner from waist height.

While we lost I am still pretty excited to play tomorrow night. :)

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One piece of advice, goalies hate it when you tip shots that are coming at your own net. They will usually tell you that if you can't block the shot completely to get out of the way so they can see it. Just trying to help.

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One piece of advice, goalies hate it when you tip shots that are coming at your own net. They will usually tell you that if you can't block the shot completely to get out of the way so they can see it. Just trying to help.

I hear ya on that one. Our goalie was giving me a stern look after I did it but he said that it probably saved him because he lost sight of it. I was playing too low in the zone anyways...they should have never got that shot off.

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congrats... agree that a point a game is really great!!! :lol:

anyway, i usually defend near the point position, and slide to block the opponents shots a few times during games. I did exactly what you did as well, deflecting the puck away from the goal, my goalie is pretty appreciative of it, cause we always agree that once we are scored on, everyone could have done something to prevent it...

great start... keep us posted on your games...

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