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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Digging through the garage and look what stick I found!?

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Blows me away that I used to skate with such a short stick. Reminds me of how old I am now.

The T-Flex was literally the king of all sticks at one time. It still feels pretty damn good when I was tinkering around in the garage stick handling with it vs the newer sticks.

I also found a full box of replacement blades that still had my name printed on them. Wonder if I could sell them for something. Yeah. Right......

Man, I really need to get back into using a shorter stick. It has to be no less than 5" shorter.



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I've got a 100 flex UltraLite shaft that's wrapped up in hockey tape (because tactile grip y0) that I tried used for street hockey but damn 100 flex on that stick feels like a 120.

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The T-Flex was great.  I actually have a couple of old shafts lying around, but no blades.  Nicholas G, are your blades LH or RH? 

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