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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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GoalForFun last won the day on September 18

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Community Reputation

175 Excellent


  • Skates
    FT4 Pro
  • Stick
    Bauer Porto R
  • Gloves
    Bauer Vapor 1X Pro
  • Helmet
    CCM Tacks 710
  • Pants
    Bauer Nexus Pro Stock
  • Shoulder Pads
    Easton Synergy
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM Super Tacks Pro
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 7K
  • Hockey Bag

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  1. The flip side of my comment is that pros are so good that they can excel with just about any gear and incremental changes don't affect performance as significantly as you would see in another sport like Formula 1 which is dependent on fractions of seconds. Now, will they be able to articulate the differences they feel between the two holders (as is the type of feedback that you're looking for)? Absolutely. But would their performance be significantly different enough to compel a pro to use one over the other? Probably not, but there are many players who are superstitious about their gear and almost never change anything. See: Crosby and McDavid are two of the best skaters of the salary cap era and they skate on old CCM tech.
  2. While having a larger sample size is always good, I don’t know if MSH has enough technically sound skaters that would be able to give you an accurate assessment lol It would be like asking the hockeyplayers subreddit their thoughts about the on-ice Marsblade. Based on the initial impressions of those who got the holder, you’d think it was the best technological advancement in skate technology since boots went from leather to composite, and now look how many people are actually using it.
  3. When I ordered my FT4 Pros I did not see any options like what you're describing. They only offered builds in the 3 (now 2) lines of Ribcor, Tacks, and Jetspeed and there weren't options to change the facing beyond stiffness. I don't even think they had the option for a +1" boot.
  4. Is it possible? Yes, but there are only like 3 or 4 sellers on eBay that you can get it from who get it from the teams directly. Is it the same as other leagues? For the most part, yes. The sticks are the same prostock offerings that the major retailers provide to the NHLers. As far as the protective goes, the higher-budget teams like CKSA, SKA, and Dynamo will have custom colorway gloves with the team logo on the thumb and their pants will be custom colorway with whatever side striping and team logo on the pant leg. Lower budget teams will often use retail gloves with colorways that match their team colors, and their pants will be solid color with the European style velcro patches that come off so sponsor patches can be placed on the legs.
  5. Got a pair of custom Proto-Rs for my birthday (70 flex Pasta curve), this stick is honestly incredible. It’s a mid kick but pucks release off it almost as quickly as the Vapor ADV. And I love the XX stiff blade.
  6. Correct (if you haven't gotten a response before now lol)
  7. Pic 1 and 2: P28/Pasta/Kuch Pic 3 and 4: Kuch/Pasta/Kuch Pics 5 and 6: Pasta/Kuch/Pasta I don’t have a second P28 that isn’t a Nexus ADV right now to sandwich but you can see compared to the Kuch, the Pasta is more closed. Comparing the Pasta to the P28 is more subtle, but at least to me looks like the toe of the Pasta is slightly more open than the P28. If you want I can try to do a comparison with Pasta/P28/Pasta.
  8. Maybe they just don’t manufacture those ones individually and are trying to find a way to send you new holders?
  9. Funny that Bauer used to offer this, then did away with it, and now that CCM has been doing it since the first gen Jetspeed Bauer is bringing it back.
  10. When I went to a store to compare the Pasta to the Kuch to the P28, the Pasta is closer to the P28 than it is to the Kuch, but the difference is super subtle and I doubt it makes *that* much of a difference to the average beer leaguer. And my impression is the Pasta is actually more *closed* than the P28 but that’s based on the eyeball test with the sample they had on display; I don’t know if they’ve updated any of the curves since introducing them on MyBauer (like if pros have since modified them). The Kuch is identical to the Warrior W28, which to my understanding is essentially a Fisher Pro (think of it as a P28 that is smoothed out from the heel to the mid part of the blade, where the P28 has an ever so slight heel “kink” similar to what you would find on the P91/A family of curves).
  11. They're still an option on CCM custom skates if you want to go that route.
  12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/325630791286?itmmeta=01HQNQA7MD3M9VR52DK2PARVT4&hash=item4bd11b8e76:g:kIIAAOSwKztkRvij&itmprp=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwGqkvvzQnoTYMlqi%2BBjpPwJGZxUtuc6WuBhxZCV6wvltLQqGHJd7ALSbGVe%2FsKpUm6aVbTnKHZrDmAe%2FupT0DDsUY%2FZ5tSBdrzliAQ1PIvNiCpwXT3hTkbe%2FgAsuo6Bqs70BjmeK%2FL0Ax9tDWjCf677nVcXgVQQqSqmdgsifogr51m4htoqlW%2FmSnj3SAyKGi1EtRUjjjY3NhUCkNTu8%2BEuzklKQMDGz5UNoLvqFu%2B9JxXP21VuBNJy6PesqpNQNTg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6j6qLe9Yw Here is your Malkin AG5NT. 87 flex though.
  13. I mean, the stick order sheet I got was from a non-NHL pro team in Europe and it had all the options (including the G15F that OP is asking for).
  14. Short answer: 99% no. Long answer: the 1% of the time you need to know either an EQM of a pro team with a Bauer account that has access to the full range of pro custom options. Then that EQM needs to be willing to ask their team’s management office if they can slip in your order with the next batch of (re)orders for their players. If the mould of the blade exists then great; if you’re planning on sending in your custom curve then it’ll be something like $2000 to have it made. I was actually trying to do the same thing through a friend of a friend who is the EQM of a team in Europe but the guy ghosted me, even after giving me the order spec sheet with literally every Bauer stick option to date.
  15. Thanks for the info, not sure it’ll apply to me, someone who weighs twice as much and will be using a 70 flex 😅
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