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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Martin Marek

ICE HOCKEY SKATE EXPERTS NEEDED--CCM-- which profile fits me?

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On 11/1/2016 at 5:57 PM, Jason said:



Can a person still get custom CCM's made by getting fitted at a LHS? Specifically the Super Tacks skate? I watched the NYT video about making Tavares' skates and I didn't hear mention of it once. Thanks.


Here is from CCM


Thank you for contacting Consumer Services at Reebok-CCM hockey.

You can inquire with a retail store about our custom program.

We invite you to click on the following link to find a retail store in your area.


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I've read through this thread and I am confused about the Ribcore and it's history.  My son started his hockey career in Reebok K's and then Ribcores and now CCM Ribcores.  Right now, since he was between sizes and we had to buy an interim cheap skate as an emergency this past August, he is currently wearing a Reebok Ribcore XT Pros and he says the fit is interchangeable with the CCM Ribcore Platinums (48k) he's been wearing.  No difference in the fit between the Reebok K's all the way through to the Ribcores today, according to him.

I used to try on skates with him to understand the feel of things and I always felt the Reebok K's felt just like my old CCM Black Tacks.  So I get really confused here when I hear people talk about how narrow the Ribcores are.  I've tried on Tacks when they first came back and was disappointed I couldn't get my foot into them they were so tight, yet the specs say they are the widest?  The RBZ's, now Jetspeeds, felt very wide and full of volume, similar to how it felt when I tried on the Nexus, my foot was swimming in both.  Supremes felt very similar to the Ribcores.  Vapors and Tacks both were so tight and pinched my feet that they hurt.  All of this is the complete opposite of what I read on here as far as the "official" specs are concerned.

Maybe I just need to go back to the skate shop and retry on all 6 skates in 10.5 D to see what the fit for each is like.

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On 10/28/2016 at 4:24 PM, BelangerJS said:

Hey Martin, let me try to help out here. If you're able to try on a few pairs, i would suggest you do, but if you're looking for your best shot at the best fit based on what you've given us, here's what i recommend:

Based on your current pair of skates, here is how you most likely size up by sub-brand:

  • JetSpeed: 9
  • RibCor: 9
  • New Tacks line (Super Tacks, Ultra, 6092, 5092, etc): 9.5

If you were wearing EE, you should stick with that for CCM skates as well.

Generally, those wearing your skates fit very well in the New Tacks line. It has an average heel width with a very precise heel lock design. The Super Tacks forefoot width in EE is our widest. So the 2016 Tacks line is the first pair i would try on if i were you. 

Sorry a little late to the party. I am looking to replace my old Nike Bauer XXVs Vapors. Don't remember how old they are. 10, 15 years? Thinking of giving CCM a shot.

Getting to a LHS is not an issue for me so will definitely try on anything before I buy. But I don't want to 100% put my faith in the guy at the store and it will be quicker if I know what I am looking for.

So, coming from Vapors which are fine fit wise, what CCM line should I be looking at?




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