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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Closed P28

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2 hours ago, icewalker_bg said:

No, the p46 at 19mm of depth is one the deepest / biggest curves on the market...have you even seen it in person or played with or you are just looking at puctures? Its a big mid banana theres no other way to put it. 

I've seen it and carefully analyzed it in comparison to other retail curves at the same shops where I could find P46's. It's slightly less deep than the P28. It's also a lower lie, even though most P28 variations are listed as 5's, they're all higher than the P46, even though it's listed as a 5.5. Where are you seeing 19mm? MSH's db says 1/2" (≈<13mm), the same as the P28, which sounds right as they're very close neighbors geometrically.

Edit: MSH pattern DB says P29's also 1/2" deep. If they're the same depth overall, then I also wonder if I'm not defining pocket depth differently than others here. To me pocket depth is how concentrated the curve is around a particular point, which is what makes that point the pocket, effectively encouraging the puck to stay in that zone when in contact with that blade geometry. Since the curve on the P29 is more concentrated from the heel to the middle of the blade and the P46 is more continuously curved at the heel and the mid-toe, it doesn't present as deep of a pocket. Maybe I'm looking at it differently though.

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52 minutes ago, flip12 said:

It's not much help to use a chart without a comparison measurement to the P29. Ice Warehouse has both in their pattern chart and lists the P29 as 9/16 but P46 as 1/16" less at 1/2.

I believe the P19 - P29 are identical, they might've tweaked something that I am not aware of, but I have had all of them and they are the same to my eyes. P87A / P19 Nugent-Hopkins / P29 Crosby are all as close as it gets to a E3/P92. 

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I'm not that aware of the degree of similarity between those patterns. All of the Sakic-ish patterns are too high a lie for me (the more common 6-lie ones), so I usually just use them as a reference in that respect to make sure a blade won't be shooting off the ice on me. Others can probably clarify what subtle differences there are, if any. It's just that to this point the 19mm ≈ 3/4" depth measurement on the P46 looks like an outlier that's potentially just an artifact of a different measuring technique. I don't have these patterns around to measure them myself.

From what I've seen comparing the P46 to smaller curves like the P14 and bigger curves like the W06, it does seem to come right in around the middle. The top curve profile of the P46 is closer to that of the W06, which is what throws people off in assessing its overall curve, but the difference in top curve and bottom curve (which determines whether a blade is open faced or neutral faced) is only relevant for puck release purposes. For pocket depth, I think of handling or carrying the puck, which is a function of the bottom curve much more than blade the face angle.

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