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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Resistance 100 vs Resistance Helmet Fit

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Is the fit of the Resistance 100 the same as the top of the line Resistance just with different foam? I was wearing the Resistance in Large but am going to get a Resistance 100 and didn't know if they carried the same fit or if the new 100 was just a V08 replacement? I usually wear medium in other helmets. 

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Res100 is a black VN liner in the Res shell. The dimensions of the helmets are the same, but the difference in foam density can affect how it feels. The Res110 is the most current version of that price point in the Resistance line. It features an updated beige liner and will fit in the same manner. Good luck with the new lid!

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