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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Jersey Devils Spring Adult Hockey League - Register Now!

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After a successful inaugural season, we are pleased to announce that the Barnabas Health Hockey House will be bringing back our Adult Hockey League for the Spring of 2017!

  • This year’s spring league will consist of two separate divisions (C and D), each playing a 10 game regular season + playoffs
  • The season is set to begin on March 22nd and will end on June 8th
  • Games will be played on Tuesdays and Thursdays (three Wednesdays due to Prudential Center conflicts), with early start times of 8:00pm and 9:30pm
  • Team registration is only $3,000 and all participants will receive free parking in our VIP Parking Deck!
  • Prizes to be announced in the near future!

Please visit our website www.barnabashealthhockeyhouse.com/adult-hockey-league or contact Jason Verrico at jverrico@prucenter.com for more information, or to register your team!

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Yes we are! We will place all free agent/individual signups onto teams if possible (if not placed onto a team there is no charge!). Email jverrico@prucenter.com for the Free Agent registration form if interested!

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