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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Canada Post Xpresspost

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How would you guys rate this service from past experiences? I've never sent anything with this service but I have received and think it's a decent service for the price you pay for it.

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Canada Post IMHO is pretty good for shipping. Solid rates, fast delivery, and I've never had anything damaged by them.

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People have sent eBay items to me via Xpresspost. It only took a couple days and also came with tracking and insurance. Since Canada Post is all I ship, this is probably the best one for fast shipping.

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Anyone know if they have any regulations regarding boxes? For example, like what kind of stuff you can use to tape or wrap it in?

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How do I label packages as gifts then? Just write "GIFT" on the box?

If it's going over the border, they'll make you fill in a customs sheet. That's where you put the declared value of the package and if it's a gift, special item, etc so you check the appropiate box on the customs sheet.

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How do I label packages as gifts then?  Just write "GIFT" on the box?

If it's going over the border, they'll make you fill in a customs sheet. That's where you put the declared value of the package and if it's a gift, special item, etc so you check the appropiate box on the customs sheet.

Thanks for the info Nigel and everyone else, I've never done this before.

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How do I label packages as gifts then?  Just write "GIFT" on the box?

If it's going over the border, they'll make you fill in a customs sheet. That's where you put the declared value of the package and if it's a gift, special item, etc so you check the appropiate box on the customs sheet.

You can also ship it with a "Value for Customs Invoice" as well. All you need is a descripton of the goods, its commercial value and mark it Gift.

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How do I label packages as gifts then?  Just write "GIFT" on the box?

If it's going over the border, they'll make you fill in a customs sheet. That's where you put the declared value of the package and if it's a gift, special item, etc so you check the appropiate box on the customs sheet.

You can also ship it with a "Value for Customs Invoice" as well. All you need is a descripton of the goods, its commercial value and mark it Gift.

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Following my latest transaction I was a bit disappointed with expresspost. I just shipped a shaft to NJ. The lady told me 1-2 days. Instead it took a full week. I could have saved $10.00 and shipped regular. One thing I noticed about Canada Post is that they are not to helpful when it comes to consulting or asking for the most economical way to ship

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