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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Punch out or heel lift?

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As you may have read in some of my other posts, I'm a newbie.  About 6-7 weeks ago I picked up a pair of Bauer Vapor X700 skates and have been skating on them 3-5 hours per week.  I've struggled with a pressure point on the upper inside part of my arches on both feet.  It isn't unbearable but it is far from comfortable.  I tried the Bauer Speed Plate insoles and they helped marginally; however, the biggest improvement was when I went to the Superfeet Yellow which slightly raised my heel and took some of the pressure off.

I knew there would be some break in time for the skates and my feet but at what point should I consider having the skates punched out?  Since the heel lift from the Superfeet helped, should I consider a spacer before I have the skates punched?

FWIW, I noticed for the first time ever a hard bump on the upper inside arch of both feet.  It's not painful but it does protrude.  It feels like a bone and a little googling revealed something called "accessory navicular" which describes my issue very well, except I don't have pain.

I did buy the skates from my LHS after trying on Bauer Vapors, Supremes, CCM Jetspeeds, and Tacks.  The Vapors were significantly the best fit in the ankle are and the width was good for my narrow feet.

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Figures... did a search for "navicular" and there's a ton of information on this site.  Looks like a punch is in my near future.  Thanks!

(if only there were a way to know what search word to use before asking) lol

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I had my skates punched out this week and had a game last night and what a difference!!!  Not having that pressure point made it much more comfortable and I could really start to feel an improvement in my skating.

I was a little concerned as one of the punches wasn't quite where it needed to be but evidently it was close enough to do the job (still going to get the punch in the right location as the boot is bound to start retracting to its original shape).

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Also pay attention to any pressure areas. Excessive rubbing and pressure can cause you to develop "Bauer bumps", aka Haglunds Deformity. These won't go away if you ignore them and can cause you foot issues in the future. Primary areas where these develop is the arch and heel. 

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42 minutes ago, puckpilot said:

Also pay attention to any pressure areas. Excessive rubbing and pressure can cause you to develop "Bauer bumps", aka Haglunds Deformity. These won't go away if you ignore them and can cause you foot issues in the future. Primary areas where these develop is the arch and heel. 

Point noted...  Fortunately my heel fits great and now there is clearance for my accessory navicular in my upper arches.  Can't say I have any additional complaints to deal with... :)

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