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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Comparing Warrior QRL1 stick to Bauer 1X stick

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Came across this video comparing the two. The reviewer said the sticks feel and perform almost identical.  This is intriguing to me because being a Warrior fan it might open up more options for me if true.

Anyone have a chance to use both these lines? What are your thoughts on this? 




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From my limited shooting with the 1X I felt the Warrior kicked better, 1X wasn't bad but I didn't think it was the best shooting stick Bauer has to offer (I liked the 1N better).

I don't think you have to worry about durability on the QRL like they mention, mine is still going strong.

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the 1x has unfortunately been one of my most used stick because i get them dirt cheap (i know boo hoo poor me :biggrin:). but using the QRL the past two weeks, to me, it beats the 1x in feel, pop and looks. i can't really say much on durability since i haven't had it long but even the paint is holding after a few nasty slashes, as where my 1x's almost snapped in half to similar slashes.

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I've used both of these sticks, although slightly different patterns. 

I might be wrong but the blade on the QRL feels dead. I'm not sure if its a batch issue, but other QRL users in my area have noticed the same thing. Switching from the 1X to the QRL, I have to look down at the puck more. Shooting wise, they are comparable


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