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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel sizing and using wheels other than chassis states

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I'm new to this sport as well as this forum and I have attempted to search this question but I'm not finding what I'm looking for. If there is another location please let me know.  In the meantime I have a wheel sizing question.

I found some frames that would fit the narrow heel of a Bauer Vapor boot.  Now these are a hi-lo setup 68, 68, 76, 76.  I'm assuming with a 8mm difference that would be considered a more dramatic forward pitch.  If I don't care for that aggressive of a stance, could I, in theory, switch to 68,68,72,72? I understand no going higher than what the frame states, but would it be a horrible idea to go with a lower wheels size in the back?

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If the frame is designed for an 8mm difference, the only way that all 4 wheels can touch the ground simultaneously is if you respect that 8mm difference. And the smaller wheels in the front don't mean a forward pitch. You can have a straight 76mm frame that has the same pitch as a 68,68,76,76.

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Thanks for the the response.

I have 74a 68mm front wheels.  I also have some 74a 72mm.  So since that seems to be a no go, what would happen if the fronts were 74a and the backs were 76a?


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It's hard to say, a lot depends on how you skate (toe, neutral, heel stance) and the surface you are on and how clean it is. But there isn't a huge amount of difference between the 2, the front will have a tiny bit more grip and the back will be a fraction quicker, just put them on and skate.

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I placed the 76mm in the back and the 68mm in the back.  I also mounted a frame from a jr. skate on a sr boot but I wear a 6-6.5 so it was close.  Hopefully that doesn't cause an issue.  The wheels stick out in front of and behind the boot so I'm hopeful all will be okay. Might be a touch further out behind.  Any concerns with using  frame that is technically smaller?


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There are no issues using a larger or smaller frame as long as it is mounted correctly, you just have the trade off between more agility or more speed.

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