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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor X600 fit - too narrow?

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I ordered the Bauer Vapor X600. When I tried them on, they push my little toe quite a lot, it almost overlapps with the next toe. They do this without even lacing them. I guess, the X600 is too narrow for me then, correct? Or is this going away when I break them in (in my Bauer Goalie Pro Skates, which are the same size, I had some pressure on the inside but it went away after 3-4 sessions).

Should I look for some Supremes or hope that the Vapors widen quite a lot when I play them? It is an EE.

Also, this happens only with the left foot, the right foot is fine. Should I try them out and have a look if they break in or send them back and look into another model? I play the Vapor RX20 roller skate in the same size and it fits like a glove.

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How is the rest of the fit?

If they fit everywhere else, and it is just this one spot, I would look at getting them punched in that spot if possible. If they are tight all over, then you just need a boot with more volume. 

Do you have a local shop where you can try skates on? Different lines, and different brands, fit very differently. Even 2 models within the same line can be quite different.

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They snug nicely but arent too tight anywhere else. If i press my heel into the skate, the toes arent a problem aswell. If I go in barefoot, it is ok aswell. Shop would be the next option but the deal on the internet was pretty good, I had to try it :)

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A Supreme D width is slightly narrower than a Vapor EE width.  So not sure going to a Supreme solves your issues.  And the Vapor inlines are narrower than an EE width as well.  Sounds like you either need to have that area punched (assuming the narrow area is not in the toe cap itself) or look for other factors that are causing your toes to overlap. 

So I'm confused... you say in your second post that with your heel pushed back in the skate, there is no issue.  So the issue only is present when you try them on, but don't kick your heel back?  I'd be concerned only if you are having issues with them on, heel back and laced up as if you were going skating.  Fit outside of that context is pretty irrelevant.

Have you had the skates baked yet?  If not, that would be my first order of business.  They are thermo-formable uppers.  Have them heated and molded to your feet.

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I just skated in them. Feet hurt here and there (like it does in new skates) but the toes were perfectly fine. Ao I guess it was just "overreacting" by me and simply a not broken in skate.

Thank you anyway for your help :)



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So are these skates unbaked?  If you bought them off the internet, definitely have them baked.  Preferably in a shop, or, use some of the guides online and bake them in your oven (carefully).


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