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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DRR last won the day on May 10 2018

DRR had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

112 Excellent


  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor x800
  • Stick
    Vapor 1x, Reebok Ai9, Warrior
  • Gloves
    CCM HG50
  • Helmet
    Bauer ReAkt, Itech FX50
  • Pants
    9k Girdle, CCM Shell
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer APX2
  • Elbow Pads
    Easton Pro 10
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Supreme 180
  • Hockey Bag

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  1. I agree, but just because it's niche doesn't mean it can't be successful. You could say the same about third-party steel, 99% of the skates out there have stock steel, but that doesn't mean Step, BlackEdge, Tydan, etc. can't carve out a market for themselves. A company that specializes in one thing and can get even a small portion of a large market, will do very well for themselves. I don't know how well it'll work but I wish them the best.
  2. Those are incredible. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Wait, you not only still use Lange skates, but you're hoarding them as well? For the good of the community you must share pictures of your setup.
  4. I don't see how it can be optimized for more speed AND maneuverability (smaller turning radius). If you have more blade on the ice, your stride is optimized for glide at the expense of tighter turns. If you have a smaller radius and less contact surface with the ice, you optimize for tighter turns at the expense of speed. I am fully open to the possibility but doesn't this fly in the face of conventional wisdom, that you can be faster AND have tighter turns?
  5. I think your best bet is going to be converting these and buying new Nexus skates, or, finding an older set of used Nexus skates, and having those converted. Otherwise you're basically staring over with skate fitting.
  6. It's edge control, not how much you dig into the ice, so changing your hollow won't help at all. gosinger's technique is a good one, remember you pretty much have to start from a kneeling position every time and most importantly, keep your weight over your skates. It sounds obvious but it will be damn near impossible to get back up if you're not conscious of this.
  7. For the amount of money they cost, and the whole experience they are selling, custom skates made specifically for your foot - I don't think you are being unreasonable at all. Some of it may be cosmetic issues and that's up to you to decide how much you care about it. Keep in mind after a few pucks to the holders and opponents stepping on your toe caps, you probably won't care so much about a misaligned rivet cap (or whatever that is) or sloppy glue work. Just my layman's opinion but the carbon fiber issue on the back of the left boot concerns me. It almost looks like there's either no carbon fiber there, or it was an end piece and it's unwoven? Either way I would be concerned that it would be a weak point there, unless an engineer tells me that it's fine. My (uneducated) guess is it's not. Ultimately True is selling a high end, custom product, and they need to understand that comes with high expectations that they deliver on what they're promising.
  8. It's the equipment. Not just the weight, but the bulk of it, especially the shinpads and pants. Shoulders, elbows, helmets also throw off your center of gravity from where you're used to it. If you want to practice, gear up and go to public skate. No shame in dedication.
  9. Vortex II is a custom skate, it's under a different heading on their site.
  10. I wore the Supreme HP girdle for a year and it wore down pretty quickly. Also I ended up being disappointed in the (lack of) kidney and side protection, and I'm tall and it's non-adjustable lengthwise so it ended up being on the short side. I did try it on before I bought but it turned out to be a bigger issue for me than I had hoped.
  11. Wait, it looks like the DLX visor and replacement lenses at the top of page 57 would be compatible, no?
  12. As a fellow FX-50 user this is a sad, sad day. Need to stock up now.
  13. I don't think it's a particularly good looking skate, although admittedly how it looks is not usually high on my list of priorities. If it fits and is as comfortable as its reputation, I'd definitely consider it. The 4 stripe pattern, although it's a SVH "signature", looks very forced (and cheap) to me. The last gen VH skates did the stripes a little better IMO.
  14. I am super jealous that you get a whole sheet to mess around on and practice!
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