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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is anyone here a lawyer?

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if any lawyer or anyone who knows about being a lawyer can help answer some questions, it would be much appreciated :)

i need this for a careers project, which is due tomorrow and i'm stuck <_<

the answers do not have to be long at all, and answering this would really help

How did you decide to choose this as an occupation?

What does your job involve?

How did you know you wanted to do this job?

What changes and trends have affected and are affecting this field? How?

What do you like about your job?

What benefits are offered? What would you change about your job if you could?

For whom do you work? What kind of experience is required for this job?

What are the tasks and responsibilities of your present job?

What are the most stimulating and challenging aspects of your job as well as the most frustrating aspects?

What is the starting salary and the average salary for this field?

In what position did you begin your career with and how have you advanced to your current position?

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Err, I am about to finish my legal studies, but that doesn't count here as your questions mostly concern practicing lawyers.

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