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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A study on stick flex using 13 top end sticks

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Came across this study on stick flex while googling up reviews on sticks. Basically they measure various sticks and how their flex changes as they move from the handle down towards the blade. It's quite interesting, and if the numbers is on the up and up, explains why say my QRL feels different from a 1X even though they have the same performance profile.  

Here's the short and to the point version. 



Here's the long version that goes in depth about how they went about measuring things with numbers and stuff. 




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That's really interesting.  Nice to see some science related to all this stuff!  :-)

The only other thing that would be interesting would be to know what the sensitivity to changes is...  For instance, they mention that its unlikely that a player will notice a 1ms difference in release time.  Is that right?  I wonder how much difference in flex is noticeable / matters to the average player, at any of various points at which they measure it?

Reading the article, my primary takeaway is that until I am consistent on where I place my lower hand on various shots (which I don't think I am), worrying about stick flex profiles or whatever is pointless for me.  :-)



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1 hour ago, dkmiller3356 said:

I think this is interesting but not being a math person I am struggling to understand the charts.  Can someone give me a math for dummies explanation of what the graphs show?


The graph shows flex in different points for each of the few select sticks from the table below. For example red line #10 shows flexes along CCM RibCor Trigger. The first dot is at 35cm, second at 55cm, etc. Connection between the dots is more of a visual in here, I doubt if you follow the line you can determine flex at say 40 cm. Instead of straight lines graph this most likely should have been curves graph. Anyway, the graph and the table, both show the same info. From this you see that if you position your lower hand lower than middle of the stck (close to 4 or 5 on the fig1), you should find that sticks 10 and 13 would be similar, while comparing 10 and 11, you will find that 11 is much stiffer, while indicated (midfle) flex is very similar between all 3. This is why sticks in the same flex but different models can feel drastically different.

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