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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Sticks

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So, I was in my local Sports Chek and noticed that there was a Warrior Dolomite for 109. There was also a SUPER Dolomite for 319. When I got home, I quickly Googled it and it looks like Warrior Marketing had decided to re-release some of their old classic sticks/looks.

My question is this, is the regular Dolomite (The one for 109) similar to the original Dolomite that was released 10 years ago and the SUPER Dolomite more like a QRL with the Dolomite graphics?

Any help would be appreciated.


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2 hours ago, streak said:

So, I was in my local Sports Chek and noticed that there was a Warrior Dolomite for 109. There was also a SUPER Dolomite for 319. When I got home, I quickly Googled it and it looks like Warrior Marketing had decided to re-release some of their old classic sticks/looks.

My question is this, is the regular Dolomite (The one for 109) similar to the original Dolomite that was released 10 years ago and the SUPER Dolomite more like a QRL with the Dolomite graphics?

Any help would be appreciated.


The Dolomite is a QRL4 ($100 price point stick) with the old Dolomite graphics. You are correct about the Super Dolomite.

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