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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Madden 2005 problem

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Is there a way to use hit stick in madden 2005 for the PC. I use a PS2 controller for my computer and the 2 analog sticks wont do hit stick. Is there a way to choose which controller is your hit stick or is there like a tutorial to use?

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lil off topic here, but what do you use for the PS2 controller on PC, I've been told you can get them at radio shack but they never have them.

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I went into the Controller config like you said JR but didnt see an option to change the hit stick. I must be blind or in the wrong controller config :huh:


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lil off topic here, but what do you use for the PS2 controller on PC, I've been told you can get them at radio shack but they never have them.

I use an adapter that you plug into the back of your computer. My brother bought it. Just kind of looks like a multi tap.

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