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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rounded handle sticks/shafts

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Hey guys,

I'm a bit out of the loop on the stick game these days as I've been working through my stash of x60s for the last few years.

What sticks these days have a more rounded handle? Vapors seem to have moved to a more square shaft shape relative to the X60- anything outside of going custom that might fit the bill?

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You might like the the STX Surgeon RX2. If you are out of the loop, take a look into it.  The bottom side is as round as they come.

If not, usually stick brands will carry one or more stick line with a more rounded shaft and one or more with a more square shaft.  Sher-Wood for example has round shafts on the Rekker series, but square shafts on the BPM and True Touch series.


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Thanks for the reply: I've felt the STX line- not a fan of the top and bottom of the shaft having different shapes. 

Companies also seem to have very different definitions of "round/rounded" these days- I miss the old Easton Cyclone and pro radius TPS shafts :)

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