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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Randy Moss

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I personally like randy moss. I dont think that his celebration was really that bad at all. For one, it makes me want to watch him even more, to see what he'll pull off next. Same with Terrell Owens. And pro sports nowadays demands that you sell yourself. Look at Kellen Winslow Jr. He said he was the best tight end to ever play the game and he hadnt ever played an NFL in his life. He later got hurt and had to sit out the entire season, which made him look like an ass, but he sold himself and got the big bucks and all the attention. Quiet Players like Zach Thomas dont get much recognition because they dont do anything stupid to draw attention, although he deserves attention because he's one of the best MLBs in the game. Randy was just promoting himself, he's fine by me. Then again, i might be biased because my friends uncle owns the Vikings lol.

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