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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Long Island C League Team Needs a Few Players

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Anyone on Long Island looking for a team to play on?  There's a team in the MHL weeknight C level league that needs a few players, most games are in Nassau County.  They've played 2 games already and the league is offering a discounted rate to play for the rest of the season for only $200 (normally about $350 - $375 for the season).  Next game is this Monday November 6th at Parkwood (Great Neck), after that there's 1 game at Dix Hills then another at Parkwood, probably a bunch after that since most other teams already played 4 or 5 games.

I'm not on this team but may fill in here and there, just trying to help the team/league out by passing the word around.

@dkmiller3356 I know you're a Nassau guy so I'm tagging you, feel free to pass the word around since you might have better considering your team is a Nassau team :-)

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29 minutes ago, xstartxtodayx said:

Anyone on Long Island looking for a team to play on?  There's a team in the MHL weeknight C level league that needs a few players, most games are in Nassau County.  They've played 2 games already and the league is offering a discounted rate to play for the rest of the season for only $200 (normally about $350 - $375 for the season).  Next game is this Monday November 6th at Parkwood (Great Neck), after that there's 1 game at Dix Hills then another at Parkwood, probably a bunch after that since most other teams already played 4 or 5 games.

I'm not on this team but may fill in here and there, just trying to help the team/league out by passing the word around.

@dkmiller3356 I know you're a Nassau guy so I'm tagging you, feel free to pass the word around since you might have better considering your team is a Nassau team :-)

Thanks but already playing in midweek C and another team as well.  Can't pull it off.  Which team... ? I can put some feelers out.

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3 hours ago, dkmiller3356 said:

Thanks but already playing in midweek C and another team as well.  Can't pull it off.  Which team... ? I can put some feelers out.

haha yea I'm on 3 teams as it is otherwise I'd jump in, I might fill in when/if they play at Dix Hills though.  This is for Dark Horse Tavern, supposedly they were pretty good but have no one showing up this season other than a handful of guys.  I appreciate you passing the word around.

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1 hour ago, xstartxtodayx said:

haha yea I'm on 3 teams as it is otherwise I'd jump in, I might fill in when/if they play at Dix Hills though.  This is for Dark Horse Tavern, supposedly they were pretty good but have no one showing up this season other than a handful of guys.  I appreciate you passing the word around.

I'll have to wait until after the 22nd....  I play them!!! LOL


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