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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XXX vs XX glove prices

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Just wondering if there is any particular reason why the XXX retails a little less than the XX? Is it because of the palm durability? I know its only like a 5-6 dollar difference but if the palms of the XXX are inferior to the XX, then I will pay more.

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The palms on my xxx's are holding up almost perfectly, and I have had them for 1 1/2 months and play 8 or 9 times a week. The only real wear on them is in the nylon on my pinkie fingers, but that's it. There's also a little bit of wear on the top hand palm, but thats only a little.

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Well the XXX's are up there in price compared to other top end gloves from other companies. Myself, I've tried on a pair of Vapor XXX and I must say I like the fit of them more than a pair of Eagle. But that's just my personal preference because I like my gloves to be a bit more snug and not very loose like the Eagles.

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