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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-Wood Patterns?

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Anybody have a picture of the Spezza and Crosby curves from Sher-Wood, preferably right handed? I looked on their site but can't really tell from the chart what they actually look like. I know they are both heel curves but would like to see an actual picture.

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Anybody have a picture of the Spezza and Crosby curves from Sher-Wood, preferably right handed? I looked on their site but can't really tell from the chart what they actually look like. I know they are both heel curves but would like to see an actual picture.

Here are pics of my RH Crosby Sher-Wood 5030...



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I'm also interested in what the Spezza curve looks like. It doesn't matter which hand it is because I can always flip the picture.

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I'm also interested in what the Spezza curve looks like.  It doesn't matter which hand it is because I can always flip the picture.




...and finally...



[EDIT] The cigarette burns were in the carpet when I moved in...I didn't realize how much they stood out til just now.

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