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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Equipment for beerleague?

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On 18/04/2018 at 12:37 PM, stick9 said:

I really can’t disagree with that more. It’s a horrible waste of resources.


Helmet and cage should be the top priority. You’re gonna fall, probably a lot. Gotta protect the squash. You dont have to spend $300 on a top of the line helmet. You can fine something really good in the mid $100’s. Fit is important.

Pants, Shins & Elbows should be next. Again, no need for top of the line. There are some really good values out there. Keep in mind, a lesser level piece that fits good will protect better than an ill fitting piece of high end gear.

Skates, it’s all about the fit. A decent lower mid range skate will be more than enough. You aren’t buying the last skate you’ll ever own. 

Gloves, Stick & Shoulders, this is where you cheap out. The money you save should go to more important items. 


Having fallen on my coccyx last Thursday, and had a day off work as a result, I second your putting pants high in the list. My Bauer x700 pants have too little coccyx protection. Of the ones I looked at today, only the top end ones had sufficient padding to offer proper protection to the coccyx. 

One point which I’m not sure has been made, is that higher end gear is designed to not get so smelly, and to dry out quicker. High end shin pads have removable soft pads that can be washed easily. 

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I would make the argument that, depending on your age, size, skill level, contact level, and skill level of the other players in your league, you need more protection, not less. If you or the other players are not great skaters who lose your balance, can't stop and start on a dime, etc. you're all going to fall a lot. If you're older, your body isn't going to recover from a spill like it may have if you were playing in "beer league" pads when you were 20. If you're a heavier player, like myself, you are more prone to get hurt falling or going into the boards or goal; the bigger you are, the harder you fall. At first, I was annoyed that the only gear that I could get to fit me was either the highest end line of a brand or close to it, but I'm glad that I spent the money to make sure that I'm well-protected.

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