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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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[Gloves] Warrior Covert QR Pro vs CCM 30K Pro

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Hey all,

Looking to make a purchase on a new set of gloves. I've scoured the internet for information on both of these, but I'd like to hear your thoughts. Can get both around the same price (QR Pro = $69.99, 30K = $74.99, all figures in CAD) from my local Sportchek (and I have a $25 gift card). I'm looking for something durable, something that'll protect my hands from the various hacks and whacks you get in men's league, and something that'll contour to my hands (I want to try out this new style glove). 

I'm not very picky, but could anyone who has tried either of these list off the pros and cons or something of these gloves? Thanks!

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There has not been a glove yet that I feel is more comfortable than the 30K glove. I wish I could find more of them. From my experience, they're a home run.

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