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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Opening a New Pro Shop. Advice Needed!

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One area that has the potential to be an "exception to the rule" when it comes to how people value customer service when they think they can get a better deal online is with figure skaters. You mentioned meeting with the local club - is it sizable? If so, don't overlook it. While the number of skates will invariably be lower than the number of hockey players, once you have their trust (in my experience), they tend to be loyal and expect to pay a little more for quality work.

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5 hours ago, EvilPepe said:

One area that has the potential to be an "exception to the rule" when it comes to how people value customer service when they think they can get a better deal online is with figure skaters. You mentioned meeting with the local club - is it sizable? If so, don't overlook it. While the number of skates will invariably be lower than the number of hockey players, once you have their trust (in my experience), they tend to be loyal and expect to pay a little more for quality work.

What you say is VERY true. A very small store with limited hours and prices close to MSRP (i.e. higher than “street” price) has ALL of the local figure skating business. But- they only offer custom skate fitting (not many stock skates) and nobody else touches the local figure skaters’ skates when it comes to sharpening. That is loyalty.

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