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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help Needed: Bauer APX2 Pants Spine Protector Problem

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What's up everyone, 


I was hoping for some advice in fixing the spine protector with my Bauer Apx2 Pants. For some reason on the Apx2s, the belt and spine protector are different than the x60s (only talking about the Vapor line pants). The spine protector is always in a forward leaning position (see attached). The problem with the spine protector leaning forward is that my shoulder pads can never sit right. Typically the back of the shoulder pad goes close to your body and the spine protector goes over it (picture of ovi attached), but with mine, the spine protector leans so far forward to my back that it doesn't allow my shoulder pads to sit and causes them to rise up. 


Any suggestions? Do I have to remove the protector? I am not sure what else to do.


Also, I did stitch 420d nylon over the flames stripes. So that is pretty cool


Thanks in advance

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Maybe sew a short piece of elastic from the sides of the spine guard to the back of the pant to pull it out more? 

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On 6/24/2018 at 12:49 AM, Giraffe14 said:

This is one of the reasons why I wear suspenders. 


On 6/23/2018 at 1:09 AM, Monty22 said:

Maybe sew a short piece of elastic from the sides of the spine guard to the back of the pant to pull it out more? 

I agree with the suspenders, but these don't have suspender buttons. i know i can install them, but i want to try other routes first. 

I ended up cutting the elastic that held the spine protector and the kidney protectors. Now the kidney protectors just flop around. So i will need to sew those down to something. I think these are just really poorly crafted pants in the department of the spine protector and the kidney protection. 

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