JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted June 25, 2018 Open Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iameric 15 Report post Posted June 26, 2018 First off I’d like to thank JR and Warrior hockey for allowing me to be a Warrior VIP for the Covert QrEdge. That being said, lets get to the nitty gritty Warrior Covert QR Edge Stick - 75 Flex - W03 Backstrom - Two weeks usage in pickup games and mid level men’s league Lets start off with the first impressions upon opening the box, fresh from warrior HQ in Michigan. Woah! This thing is one cool looking stick! With the beautiful exposed carbon fibers, the asymmetrical design, and the subtle yet loud design. This has got to be one of the best-looking hockey sticks I’ve come across. Now does it perform as good as it looks? I like to believe so, so far. Have you ever played with a Qrl? Wished it were lighter and better balanced? Had more consistency when shooting and was able to take a decent slapshot when needed? I know I did. Well I’ve got great news for you! So far, after a couple weeks of using the new QrEdge, it fills all these missed marks and still keeps that wonderful quick release of the Qrl. The first thing I noticed when stepping on the ice with the Qr Edge is how light in the hands it feels. Not stupid light, just right thanks to Warriors new Minimus Carbon 1200. Stick handling was awesome because it still has that great responsive stiff blade found in the Qrl. The QrEdge has a square shaft geometry with a nice coat of grip. I’ve noticed Warrior has gone with a slightly textured grip on the top corners and sides of the shaft leaving the bottom of the shaft without any texture. Now lets talk about that Edge taper. A cool looking taper Warrior has designed to help magnify power and quick release. Warrior has done a great job outlining the Edge taper lines with the popping oranges in the design. The first few shot felt a little odd, but once I found that sweet spot again, woah, watch out! The shots came off quick and hard! Even when taking a slap shot, the puck came off stronger than its predecessor. I also found that with the new Edge taper, the QrEdge has a more predictable and accurate shot. After 7 or 8 games using the stick, its still has that excellent “pop” from the first game and still generates power. Best low kick stick so far. Durability? Well, I think it’s a little soon to tell for that one. It has held up great so far by taking whacks and hacks without diminishing any performance so far. Here are some cool pictures for your viewing pleasure... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iameric 15 Report post Posted July 24, 2018 Alright, So I figured I'd give a little update on the QREdge. I think I have found the perfect stick for me. I love the way this thing shoots. The Edge Taper actually works wonders when shooting the puck. I find this stick to not be too whippy nor too stiff, I find it true to it's flex rating and has not been softening up like other sticks I've used before. Shooting with the QREdge is nothing short of magical. I find the QREdge very easy to use at its fullest potential. Since day one, I've noticed that the QREdge has lots of pop and, to this day, she's still got it. I still cannot get over how nicely balanced the QREdge is. It never feels jarring when playing, as everything seems to go smoothly with handling the puck. It still has an excellent feel to the blade and hasn't dampened. I've been using this stick exclusively since the day I got it. From multiple game use getting and giving whacks and hacks, I can safely say the QREdge just keeps going without skipping a beat. Now that its been a little while over the "warranty period", I think it would be fair to give it a judgement on its durability, and to that, I have to admit it's pretty damn good. Yes, its got some nicks to the paint job and scratches here and there, but that is inevitable. The grip coating is proving to be strong and so is the stick its self. It still shoots at the same calibre as it did the first time I used it. Would I recommend this stick to anyone? Well, after a month and a half of playing with the QREdge, and having teammates, and one opponent try it out with them having nothing but great things to say, I would definitively recommend this stick. I even had a few offer to pay full pop for it before it came out, but I couldn't let go of this perfect stick. I will keep using the QREdge for the foreseeable future and let you know how it holds to the test of time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites