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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tapeless blade?

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I've built a shooting gallery in the basement. My tacky stick tape wasn't working on my ABS shooting pad, so i started using an old stick with no tape. The old stick is also cut too short, so convenient when not wearing skates.


I'm falling in love with my old stick. It's cut way too short, way too stiff, and the curve is extreme yet; I'm more accurate and quicker release. It is a Bauer APX (not apx2, this is from 2011ish) so the blade has a rough pattern on the surface. The blade feels super light tapeless, and I'm having no issues shooting the puck.


I'm considering bringing this thing to my next game without tape on the blade. Is it going to be totally different when the puck is frozen? That's the only thing i can think of that's different.

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From my experience, I always shoot better off ice and every stick feels pretty good. I find it's because, everyone is more balanced off skates, and can shift their weight more easily to get more power. In addition, there's more friction, so getting the stick to flex properly is easier, and because there's no snow on the blade, it's easier to generate spin on the puck, so shot comes off hotter. 

As for shooting with a bare blade. I've only done this a few times at stick and puck while contemplating only covering the toe of my blade with tape. Yeah, it'll feel different. I find tape acts as a dampener. Without it, the puck feels more lively. When the blade gets wet, it doesn't have anywhere near the grip that tape has. But for me, it didn't didn't drastically change anything enough to make me want to not have tape over all of my blade.

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