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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Resilient Goalie Foam Specialists

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I know Maltese is the hot name in mask padding and various other applications, but I always found the material to be a bit... hard? I feel like for impact protection it can't be beat (I love my Maltese GPS collar!) but I'm not a fan of it in masks, especially after they changed from dots to strips in their kits (reducing waste for them, and not being any cheaper for us). I found it too hard, and always felt like I could feel the edges of the pads.

I've looked around trying to find another kit for my masks (Bauer NME8) and I've seen some stuff here and there but it was usually rubatex or something which I also find really hard. There's obviously also the option of buying a sheet of material and cutting it myself but it would probably look like crap.

I came across these guys on Facebook who actually make kits from various materials actually die cut to specific shapes:


They don't yet have an NME kit but they said it should be out in a few months. They also sent me a sample kit so I could check out all the options. They have a medium/soft poron that I think will be great for me, but they also have plenty of other choices if you want less expensive (neoprene) or more solid (EVA, dual density EVA, and even just plain ol Rubatex). 

Once I have my kit I'll post a review, but for now I just wanted to point out that these guys exist! Here's an example of one of their kits (they have lots of different colors, too!)


Has anyone else seen these guys, or more importantly has anyone else used one of their kits? I'd love to hear some feedback. 

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Hey guys! I just stumbled across your post! We just launched our website yesterday! Ordering will still be direct rather than through an online store, but you can check out all of our pricing and options. Feel free to shoot us an email or message us through our website contact us page. I would also be happy to help answer any questions you have through here as well! 


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