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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LS Edge Issues

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I bought a set of black 306mm Lightspeed Edge holders when I was in Texas a couple months ago for my new True skates. My skates showed up today and I tried popping my Step Blacksteel in them and even my crappy Bauer steel off my Nexus N7000's. Neither pair will go in these holders but both will go in fine to my existing skate holders. It appears that I have the same problem with the middle "tab" on the runner not lining up with the hole on the holder like shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGf1JJ9xKkQ

It's ultimately my fault for not trying them out before now but has  anyone found a jerry rig or work around to get them to work or were able to get them RMA'd through Bauer or the vendor? I live several hundred miles from Dallas so I just can't go and easily exchange them.


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I've been seeing this on some of the new S27 senior sized skates.  It's not the back tab that's the issue, it's the front tab where the forward fin of the blade inserts that is really tight.  Position the fin so that is's inside the front tab/channel and then tap the back heel on the corner so that you're exerting the pressure both forwards and upwards at the same time and it will snap into place.  I've also have just used the rubbing flooring in the store to accomplish the same result. 

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On 8/27/2018 at 9:57 PM, mojo122 said:

I've been seeing this on some of the new S27 senior sized skates.  It's not the back tab that's the issue, it's the front tab where the forward fin of the blade inserts that is really tight.  Position the fin so that is's inside the front tab/channel and then tap the back heel on the corner so that you're exerting the pressure both forwards and upwards at the same time and it will snap into place.  I've also have just used the rubbing flooring in the store to accomplish the same result. 

You were right. Others suggested that I heat the holders up to soften the plastic and wack in the runners with a rubber mallet. I would use dead blow hammer which those two things did the trick.

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