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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Was looking at the AS1 sticks today and see that CCM now has a retail P88, labelled "Ovechkin".  Should make a lot of people happy.

(Didn't find any info on this using search, but if it's already mentioned, then mod please delete post.).

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37 minutes ago, Ghoose69 said:

The P88 is the same curve as the Bauer 88 Kane curve.

Yes, I realize that.  People have lamented the fact that CCM did not have a P88 equivalent available at retail.  The P40 was close, but the blade was shorter, with a square toe.  Now people that want a true P88 can use a CCM retail stick.

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3 minutes ago, nutters said:


Thanks.  For some reason search does not work very well on my phone. Searching "CCM P88" gave me zero results.

Even funnier that I had commented in the thread.  I thought it seemed familiar, but couldn't find anything.

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